Home > personal > And the Lady Lawyer goes Solo. . .

And the Lady Lawyer goes Solo. . .

This has been a very busy few weeks for me (or 8).  And finally, to top it all off, I am now a sole practitioner.  So many thanks to my clients and the opposing attorneys who are being so patient with this new, HUGE, change in my life and practice.  There have been a few anxiety attacks (or 12) over the past several days, but I think I can do this.  As a dear friend of mine quoted to me, from a sign that hung in the Tube in London during World War II, “Keep Calm and Carry On.”

And Carry On I will.

Even when that Calm is a little tattered. . .

Categories: personal
  1. Mark
    September 1, 2011 at 1:14 pm

    Look at you, Go Marca!!!!!!


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