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It’s Not Just “Being Worried”: Anxiety

Well Adjusted

I’ve mentioned a few times that I’ve struggled with some mental health issues.  I’ve been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder, major depressive disorder (MDD), and dysthymia (persistent long-term depression).  Mental disorders can be debilitating, especially when you ignore them, pretend they don’t exist, and refuse to address them as you would any other illness.  I closed my private law practice in large part because my anxiety had gotten so bad that I was absolutely terrified of checking my email, answering the phone, TALKING to anyone…Getting out of bed was a major accomplishment every day.  Was it all in my head?  Yeah, just like asthma is all in your lungs, and scoliosis is all in your spine.  Stop Having a Seizure

On my better days, I venture the thought of going back into private practice…until the panic hits, and I start getting short of breath just thinking about it.  And I AM medicated.

It’s not something that I can fully control, though I have learned to cope a little better.  My work now is considerably less stressful, and I’m getting paid regularly (!), something that wasn’t happening when I was in private practice, which alleviates a lot of general life stress.  I’m in a much better place.

I’m not the only one who has had their life hijacked by anxiety…Meet Jalen Moore.


I work with Jalen’s mom; my kids were wowed by Jalen’s basketball talent in high school.  He’s gonna be just fine, because he’s smart enough to face HIS anxiety head-on, and work toward responsible management of it.  And like any illness, any physical problem, accepting that it’s a REAL problem, and not a weakness that reflects badly on one’s character is where you start in getting healthy again.

physical effects anxiety

The upshot is a panic attack can feel like you are dying…Nothing to worry about, right?


For a little musical insight, I give you the Black-Eyed Peas: Anxiety.  With the lyrics, so you can see and FEEL a little what this is like.


  1. Carole T Warburton
    March 20, 2018 at 3:07 pm

    Thanks for writing about your anxiety/depression. I can relate with you on a lot of this but not all of it. I believe my problems are milder, but we need to be careful not to criticize others without “walking a mile in their shoes.”

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  2. March 23, 2018 at 6:58 am

    Oh, man, I am so sorry you struggle with this beast. Anxiety has plagued me since I was young and people just don’t understand I can look like everything is okay on the outside, but be riding out a storm on the inside. I got really good at hiding it. So glad that many people are open about it, makes me feel that I am not alone. Hopefully,​ that’s how it makes you feel too! xo

    Liked by 1 person

  1. January 20, 2020 at 8:34 pm

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